Monday, December 6, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Besides coming home for Christmas and having it be snow covered when we arrive, I haven't experienced the whole process of watching out the window and having it look normal then snow covered an hour later in more than 3 years (for Adam, 5 years). So this past weekend when we got a LOT of snow, it was exciting for us! It made me get into the holiday spirit!

Just in the past week, Gwen has gotten to be so much older acting! She plays with her toys by herself and just bounces and squeals and giggles at them. She loves her playmat still, but now also bounces in her excersaucer, grabs at things on tables, loves to have dolls "talk" to her, loves to look at books and cartoons/children shows, etc.

She's having some major physical changes too. We started noticing she's losing her dark hair (she's getting bald spots in the back, haha) and her legs and arms are starting to feel more solid! Our main news is that last week she started fussing and after putting the pieces to the puzzle together (drool, fussiness, sucking fingers), I looked and noticed a little something that looks like it's budding in her bottom gums. I thought I might be imagining it, but my sister's kids got teeth super early (about 4 months). Poor Gwennie, I hope her first tooth cuts through fast. Until then, we are bff's with her teether, oragel, and infant tylenol!


kkb said...

that picture of adam reading to gwen and diggie is soooo cute!

Jessica Robertson said...

Gwen is getting so big!! Time sure flies by these days.