Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Doctor Appointments

Gwen and I had appointments this afternoon...her for her 18 month checkup, me for my 36 week check.

I dread Gwen's doctor appoinements. She knows she gets shots at this place, so the minute we arrive, she starts screaming. I hate it because not only is it sad to see her so scared, I feel like it's so hard for them to measure her and really get a sense of what she does developmentally because all she will do is cling to me and cry. Since she has such a hard time, I recorded an episode of Elmo's World where they talk about going to the doctor. The whole way there I kept saying "Elmo goes to the doctor too." I thought it was cute because although she cried through the whole appointment, she kept saying as she sobbed "Elmo doctor, Elmo doctor."

Anyways, she is 34 inches long (96%, she has been consistently between 95-99% her whole life, strange with average height parents), 26.5 lbs (76%), and 51% for weight for length (meaning she's well proportioned). Her speech and motor skills are great and overall, she's one healthy kid. I feel so lucky that we've made it to 18 months with only 1 ear infection, pink eye one time, and a few colds. Let's just hope she gets through her current "climbing stage" with no major injuries!

My appointment was pretty uneventful. No signs that the baby is coming anytime soon except for the fact that I feel like I should be having him soon because my stomach is so big and round and hard that I can't even bend over anymore, let alone easily get Gwenna in and out of her crib, carseat, high chair, bath, etc. I start weekly appointments now, so let's hope next week I'm dilated or showing some signs of progress :)

1 comment:

Chalice Lindgren said...

Hi Molly! It’s been months now since you posted this blog, and I assume you already have given birth to your second child. Still, I suggest that you bring someone with you when going to the doctor. Now that you have two lovely children with you, you really need a companion. Wishing you and your children all the best!

Chalice Lindgren