Monday, November 15, 2010

Busy Weekend

We had a busy but fun weekend.

Friday night we met Darah and Evan in Bloomington for dinner...

Saturday we did some shopping, got Gwen's 3 month pictures taken, and went to happy hour. My friend Lawley was in Champaign with her dad for Dad's Weekend at U of I (her sister is a senior). I hadn't seen Lawley since her wedding in May so it was good to catch up!
Sunday, we were going to Morton to do laundry and for our Sunday night family dinner, but our car was having some problems. Adam spent the morning fixing our car, and by noon we were off to Morton. We had a nice day hanging out with my mom and dad and the Boekers, then the Bates family came over. It's so nice to be able to drive home in 1 day and be back home (or in a hotel in our case, haha) to go to sleep.
Before we left for Morton, I was getting Gwen ready to go and Adam caught her attention and she sure thought it was funny!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Yay for sunday night dinners!!!!

I hadn't heard about your car troubles though????