Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February's Flying!

Where has the month gone? We have been so busy and had stuff every weekend! To sum it up, we had Addison's birthday party, Cal's birthday party, a birthday dinner for my mom, Gwen and I spend Valentine's Day in Morton (Adam was out of town for work, so we baked cupcakes with cousins and ate Chinese with Gma and Gpa :), we went out to eat for my 27th birthday, Gwenna turned 6 months old (soooo sad how fast it has gone), then we had a really nice dinner out with Robin and Adam, and Leighton's second birthday party. The rest of Feb and March aren't any less busy, but it's fun to have so much stuff to do!
On a side note, Sylvie is in the hospital with pnemonia...she's doing better but it takes time for her breating to get back to normal....poor Sylvers. She is so sensitive and sweet and it makes me so sad to think how scared she is to have to be in the hospital :(


Jessica Robertson said...

ahh...I can't believe how old Gwen is!! She is getting to be such a big girl. I can only imagine how fast time has gone for you as the last 3 weeks have flown by with Paisley!

Katie said...

Gwen is so dang cute!! I love those little cheeks! She is getting soooo big! :)

Katie said...

gwennie is getting so big. we really miss having you guys close by :(