Monday, April 11, 2011

April's Beginning

April is here and so is SPRING weather!!! Sometimes it's warm and sunny, sometimes there are tornados, sometimes it snows. That's the midwest, but we take warm weather when we can take it!!! Gwen eating some fruit in the nude to keep the clothes clean! First bike ride!
Auntie Panichi came to visit!!!! They had fun playing!
Panichi got through to Andy Cohen on WWHL on Bravo! We were so excited. We had a good question, but the lady told her what to ask, haha. We took what we could get!
Ready for dinner with Dad for his 30th birthday! Of course, we went out for Mexican, Adam's favorite. Gwen loves Mexican restaurants because the servers pay so much attention to her!

Great start to spring! We also went to Kincaid to visit Adam's dad and Carol. They cooked an awesome lunch (Carol makes her own pasta and made a DELICOUS soup from her homemade tortellini and Steve grilled Asian chicken breasts, yum!) and Gwen was so good playing at their house. We have had a fun filled April so far and are excited to go on a trip to Chicago next weekend!

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