Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Birthday Parties!

First and foremost, happy 30th birthday to Adam!!!! We had his party awhile ago, but tonight we are going for Mexican food! We have had two fun birthday parties in the past two weeks. Mara Schick had her first birthday party last weekend in Morton. They had it in a gym with bounce houses and all kinds of kid cars and toys. It was so cute, Gwen sat on a little car and Mara (who's learning to walk) held onto the back and pushed her all around the gym. They had a great time!!!! We did too! Saturday we went to Adam Pletcher's 40th birthday party. It was 80's themed so everyone dressed up. Robin has so many cool decorations and details in the party. It was really fun!

In other news, we moved into our new place. Thank you to everyone who helped! We are finally getting settled!

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