Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring has Sprung...for a few days anyhow!

It is officially spring and the weather this week has actually been so nice! I don't think it's supposed to last, so we have really been taking advantage! We have spent a lot of time on walks, and lucky for me, Gwen loves being outside. Thursday was St. Patty's day and we spent the day running errands (in green of course), we met Adam for lunch, and we had corned beef and cabbage for dinner.
Saturday-Sunday we watched the Pletcher kids while Robin and Adam P. went to visit friends in Indianapolis. Mara and Nolan had lots of fun having Adam give them rides on his skateboard (Adam had just as much fun with it :). Reese LOVES to play with Gwenna, Mara loves playing with Gwen and Diggy, and Nolan had fun playing games with Adam. We spent most of Saturday afternoon at Lake of the Woods Park in Mahomet, which was really fun. We climbed the bell tower, hiked around, played in the playground, road skateboards/walked over the lake on the bridge, etc. It's a really cool park and so close to where we live.

Gwen is starting to think she's really old, haha. It's funny how when she does certain things, she almost knows to be proud and feels cool. Some of her new "cool" things are clicking her tongue, vibrating/making spitting noises with her lips, and saying DADADADA and GAGAGAGA. She can't crawl yet, but she doesn't stay put anywhere, she either is moving around in her walker or scooting on her tummy. The only problem is she can only go backwards so once she hits a wall or couch, she gets stuck :)
The only other new thing going on is I finally went to the doctor for my wrist problems (for those of you who don't know, I've been having increasing pain since I've had Gwen) and found out I have what is called dequervain's tendonitis (you can google it). I have to go to physical therapy 2x per week for a month to get this treatment called ASTYM (you can google that too, it's hard to explain). Then they put these steroid topical patches on my wrists. I'm not going to lie, it's PAINFUL and leaves me looking like this. The picture actually makes it look better than it does in person. I have to wear long sleeves so people don't think I'm getting beat up. I don't really know if this is even helping, but I am trying it out. I go back to the orthopedic doctor in April, and if this doesn't work, I think I have to start getting steroid shots...yikes!
Things are good though, and we are sooooo excited that the winter is behind us and we can do so much fun stuff with Gwen outside!