Monday, October 24, 2011

An Anniversary, a Birthday,and a New Bed

This past week Adam and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. In some ways it seems like we've been married forever, but in some ways it seems like the wedding was yesterday! We had our babysitter stay late and the two of us met after work at Kofusion (where we had our first date) for an appetizer, then went next door to Jim Gould's for dinner. GREAT food and nice to be able to eat a leisurely meal at a nice restaurant!

Then Saturday, Diggy celebrated his 4th birthday. I always knew he was a great dog and we love him soooo much, but this past year seeing how good he is to Gwen has made me feel even more lucky to have found him. Any dog that will let a toddler yank his ears, wrestle him, sit on him, etc. but still snuggles her and barks at her door if she's crying should win an award if you ask me! We got him some dog bones from the butcher counter and he has been in heaven gnawing away.

Since it was both his birthday and our anniversary, we got a present that benefits the 3 of us-a nice new huge comfy bed. Last round of my pregnancy, I had to sleep on the futon half of the time because there just wasn't room for Adam sleeping normally, Diggy laying completely horizontally, and me on my side with about a zillion pillows. So this time, we aren't living in a tiny condo and had room to get the 3 of us a nice big bed. It felt great to have so much room last night. I'm going to enjoy sleeping sprawled like a starfish on my back until the side sleeping has to start!

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