Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Time to go home...

After our last night in Paris, we were taken to the airport and had to leave. It really was such a great trip! There were some things that I was totally over by the end of the trip (my feet and calves hurting, the cold, paying to use the bathrooms, tons of smoking people and smelling like smoke, bread and ham for breakfast and very few fruits/veggies in general, etc.) but so many things that were so great that the little things didn't matter (all of our new friends, the beautiful architecture, such pretty scenery/drives, fancy rest stops with wine/beer with all meals including fast food, walking everywhere, trying new foods, etc.).

This is me supposed to be acting sad to leave Paris, hehe.
We also learned a lot from the people we were on the trip with about their countries and learned of lots of other places we want to visit! It was so funny learning the vocabulary of all these people (cue for line, pissed for drunk, lollies for candy, uni for college, bloke, mate, etc).
People keep asking me what my favorite part of the trip was and it's so hard to say! I loved seeing every city around Christmas time and all lit up with the Christmas stands. I loved the low key nights just hanging out with people at the hotels. I LOVED the Haufbrau Haus. I thought Venice, Austria, and Lucerne were so pretty. I LOVED Paris and all the pretty things to look at, all the shopping, the Moulin Rouge, and our fun last night there. All in all, I loved everything!
But I love America too and was ready to come home to something that was missing in my heart...

Diggy was happy to be back with his mama, and I LOVE him more than the best thing any European city has to offer!

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