Friday, November 6, 2009

Halloween Weekend 2009

We spent Halloween weekend this year in Tucson. Kristie's family was visiting so Adam, me and Diggy went along for the festivities!

When we first got there I gave Lexie her birthday present because she is turning THIRTEEN tomorrow, so I gave her her gift early since I won't see her until Thanksgiving. I absolutely can not believe how fast she has grown up. It seems like yesterday I was super excited to skip a day of 7th grade to go see my first niece! Now, she is actually older than I was when she was born! Katie, you should be proud, Lexie has grown up to be one of the most fun, funny, smart, yet nice and well behaved kids I have ever known!

Halloween morning, we got to go watch one of Tate's T-Ball games. It was so fun/cute. Most of the little boys didn't know what they were doing, and I would say half of them ran to third base instead of first when they hit the ball. Tate's pretty shy, but I could tell he was excited that we were all there. He was the star player in our eyes :)

Next was time for Halloween. As you can see, Diggy was a taco. Sadly, I have come to the realization after dressing him up quite a few times, that he HATES it. Every time I put something on him, he gets all weird and just lays there and looks depressed. I loved it though and thought he was so cute. The other kids costumes were Lexie-cowgirl, Ellie-nice witch, Tate-Hulk, Sylvie-Thumbalina, Cal-Spider Man. They had fun dressing up, trick-or-treating, and at this party we went to at Katie's friend Amy's house. All in all it was a great Halloween!


kkb said...

what a nice post. it was a fun weekend seeing both of my sissies at once :) and you are right about your comment on lex.... i can't believe she is 13 and still such a sweet girl! i'm so glad i'll be seeing you all again in less than 2 months!!!!!!!!!

Katie said...

i'm so glad you and adam got to come! geez... thanks for the nice comments about lex. she is a great girl, and i am WAY too young to be a mom to a teen~ oh well ;-) it's been a fun 13 years!