Monday, June 14, 2010

Weekend of R & R

After about 2 months with every weekend booked, we finally had a weekend without anything planned but to run errands and do stuff we've been wanting to do around San Diego.

Friday I didn't have to work, and the weather was very "June Gloom"ish, so I spent the morning starting to knock off items on my list of projects to do before the baby is born. I knocked one big item off which was going through our closet and drawers to get rid of clothes and shoes we do not need and organize. I LOVE doing stuff like that after it's done, and I now have 4 garbage bags of clothes to take to Good Will. After that, I worked out, did about a zillion loads or laundry, went grocery shopping, and did a quick cleaning of the rest of our condo. My reward for myself was to use my giftcard from Adam to go to the spa and get a prenatal massage and facial. It was so great and relaxing! My day was going pretty good and got even better because I finally got to go see the Sex and the City 2 Movie followed by a late dinner at McCormick and Schmick's. We didn't get home until almost midnight, which for us is PARTYING these days.

Saturday we had a normal morning, coffee, working out, walking Diggy, etc. then we went to Babies R Us to get some more baby stuff. After our little shopping trip, I noticed the sun was peaking out so we got some pool time in and decided to stay home and make dinner that night. Adam somehow got the idea in his head that he wanted to try to make Avanti's bread, something we both LOVE and can not find anything even kind of close to here. I found a recipe on Recipezaar that we decided we would try, but saw that it takes about 5 hours total for the whole process. While I got dinner started, he went to work to start the bread.
Then he showered and had to do more work on the bread.

Then throughout eating dinner, cleaning up, and watching the whole Dear John movie, he had to take breaks to do the various steps to make the bread.

After the movie was over, it was finally time to bake it. At this point it was close to midnight and some of us were tired and kind of sick of this project.
But the outcome was beautiful!

Sunday we woke up to beautiful, sunny weather, so we drove to Coronado pretty early, went walking and to the beach and out to lunch.

When dinner time rolled around it was time to eat the bread and to our delight, it was SOOOO good and definitely very very close to how Avanti's bread tastes. I was making fun of how "into" the breadmaking Adam was getting, but if he wants to make it again, I will gladly let him :)

1 comment:

kkb said...

that's hilarious. i know adam has talked about trying to make avanti's bread. i know people who have made it before and thought it was good. was the recipe difficult?