Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Feeling Ready to Pop!

34 Weeks of pregnancy down! The good news is that I still feel really good for the most part. I am still super active and feel better when I'm up and moving than sitting around, I haven't had one complication or cause for concern this whole time, the baby lets me know she's alive and well and strong ALL day (and night) long, I haven't had a problem with swelling (which I probably can thank the nice San Diego weather for) and we're getting excited!!! (and on a more vain note, no linea nigra or stretch marks YET, woohoo...sadly, 6 weeks is plenty of time for these babies to pop up, haha :)
The bad news isn't really bad news, it's just the fact that getting about as large as a house (see picture above) has made everyday activities either very difficult to complete or very uncomfortable. Everything from shaving my legs, to putting shoes on, to breathing, to watching TV has become a slight issue, not that I can't do these tasks, they just don't come as easily, especially sleeping!

Once I get comfortable (it takes about 20 pillows strategically placed) I usually just start drowsing off then I already have to get up to go to the bathroom. Then I get back and get situated and one arm starts to get numb so I have to switch sides and get the pillows resituated again. Then about an hour later I have to go to the bathroom again. Then the baby is moving around like crazy. It's pretty much a cycle that goes on all night. Maybe this is God's way of preparing me for the sleepless nights that are to come??? As a result, I have been pretty tired during the daytime. Sometimes I just have to take a minute to lay down and rest my eyes.

Lucky for me, we have the world's biggest fan of sleeping living in our house, so whenever these moments take place, he's right there to join in...


Katie said...

Such a cute belly!! Sorry to hear about your sleeping woes...I'm so excited for to see this baby girl!!

kkb said...

i can't believe how soon she will be here.... can't wait for labor day :)

Katie said...

your baby bump picture makes me excited to see you in person!