Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fourth of July Weekend 2010

Even though I'm excited that my pregnancy is quickly coming to an end, I don't like the idea that I can't really make plans for the next month because you never know if she'll come early or late. I was feeling too tied down for a holiday weekend last week, so I decided to plan a little getaway to Palm Springs. It's only about 2 hours away, so I figured if I went into labor, we could make it back to San Diego with plenty of time to spare.

I love going to Palm Springs. It's close and fun and so pretty with all the mountains surrounding it and just a perfect getaway. Lots of people wouldn't like how hot it is there, but there is no humidity and it is completely set up for the heat...there are misters everywhere you go from restaurants to pool chairs. Saturday the weather was over 100 degrees but we just relaxed at our hotel pool until after 6pm and went to dinner once it cooled down. We got up and took a nice long walk early enough Sunday that it wasn't TOO hot, then went back to the pool and relaxed a little bit longer. We drove home in time to unpack and hung out on our balcony and grilled an all American dinner.

Around 9pm, we heard the fireworks from the bay start, so we got Diggy and went outside to watch them. It was one of the saddest things I have seen in my life. After a few loud booms, Diggy went running and started panicking and was trying to get away but there was no escaping the fireworks. I picked him up to go back inside and he was shaking uncontrollably. It made me so sad. He acted weird for the rest of the night. I guess fireworks and little dogs just don't mix.

Anyways, it was a good 4th of July weekend, it was nice to have Monday off, and now my countdown begins for the baby! So much to do!

1 comment:

kkb said...

well now you know how i felt on the 4th :) my kids were FREAKING! lets hope baby is a little tougher than the diggster :)