Thursday, October 21, 2010

Farewell San Diego, Hello Champaign!

It's official...we left our home in SD and moved to Illinois. While I am so sad to leave the great climate we lived in, our wonderful condo/neighborhood, our jobs, and our friends; I am really happy to be moving closer to where our family and friends and roots are! I found out I was moving back 10 days after the return from my trip home with Gwen, so it was so rushed and chaotic! We had a lot to do but made the most of our time in Cali!

We tried to fit in a trip to our favorite hang outs! We didn't make it to all of them, but did things like take walks every day, got coffee at the Lion daily, got self serve Frozen Yogurt, and went to some of our favorite restaurants. Tin Fish has been our go to spot for good seafood, good drinks, sun, entertainment, etc, so we definitely made a point to go there!

We got together with our friends for a Purdue game/BBQ afternoon at Joe and Leigh's. Gwen had just had her 2 month checkup and weighed 11.5 lbs...this dish of pasta salad Joe bought was 10 lbs. We compared the difference :)
Diggs and Gwen and me had some QT at our home. Gwenna is becoming stronger and stronger with her "tummy time"...She wants to hold her neck up and does so well but once she gets tired, she gets mad!

Last Friday the movers came and packed up everything from our condo. We took 5 suitcases on the plane with us, plus Gwennie and Diggy, so we were loaded! It was sad to leave, but it was SOOOO fast and so chaotic that we barely had time to realize we were sad...I will miss our life in SD a lot! We had such a great time being newly weds and new parents there, but home is where our hearts are :)

Once we got to IL, we stayed with my mom and dad for awhile in Morton. We got to have Sunday night family dinner at the Bates's, we had a playdate with Mara and Kristen, my dad and Adam worked on one of my dad's rental houses, we went shopping, and we went over to Uncle Jay's house to hang out with his family and eat our favorite food...Avantis

We got up Wednesday and came to our temporary living situation in Champaign! We are staying in a hotel for a month and then, if we need to, we can rent Robin's mother in law's house while she is in Florida for the winter. We have a few houses we really like, so my mom and dad are coming tomorrow to check them out. We are excited to have a new home but the good thing is that we are in no rush because we have nice places to stay until we buy a house!

1 comment:

kkb said...

i'm so excited to see gwen! she looks so much older and soooo cute in the picture of her waving in her boppy :)