Friday, October 8, 2010


Well, it's not a secret anymore...we are moving back to Illinois! Adam got a job offer in Champaign, IL! I would have never thought I would live in Champaign again (where I went to college), but it is absolutely perfect for us! Gwen and I were so proud of Adam.

Before I knew we were moving, I had planned an 11 day trip to Illinois so decided to still go. We had so much fun! We spent a few days in Chicago staying at my cousin Emily's apartment. Gwen got to meet her Godmother Em, lots of my college friends, got to shop on Michigan Ave, eat out at restaurants, etc. Aunt Kristie came for Saturday and then drove us back to Morton

Our week in Morton was very busy. My grandparents were here Sunday-Tuesday so we hung out with them and the Bates, we went over to play with Kristen and Mara, we visited Darah and Evan's apartment, we hung out with the Boeker cousins every day, we went to the apple orchard, Grandma and Grandpa Erwin spent a lot of time snuggling Gwennie and helping me out, I got to go for a mani/pedi with Kristen, we had a girls night out to La Fiesta, etc.

Saturday my mom's whole family came! Of course there was tons of talking (LOUD :), laughing, food, and fun. There is never a dull moment when the Filloon family gets together! It was fun to see my grandma, aunts, and cousins!
Saturday night Adam came! Since we are moving back, he came to look for houses. We went to Robin's house in Mahomet to hang out with the Ralph family for the day on Sunday, then looked for houses Sunday afternoon and Monday! We found one we really like but are waiting until we move back to look more and really make a good decision. We are looking in the neighborhoods West of campus where all the old houses are. Hopefully we find something with lots of character that can use some renovating! Until we buy something, we are staying in a hotel/my parents until Dec 1, then renting Robin's mother in laws house (who goes to FL for the winter) until we have a place of our own.
We left to come back to CA on Tuesday. We now are focused on getting organized and enjoying all that we love about San Diego before we move. It is sooner than we had planned...our flights are booked for October 16! I am a little nervous and a little sad to end our time here, but so excited to get back to our roots and raise Gwenna and Diggy where the green grass grows :)


kkb said...

awww.... I am so glad you guys are coming back home :) it will be so fun for our kids to grow up together and to have ur family with us for more special events!! Although, this post does make me a bit sad. For me, bc I will miss visiting you guys in sunny san diego. But also, for you and adam. Bc I know how much you have enjoyed ur time there. It's always hard to end a good chapter.. But also fun and exciting to start another :) love you all!!

Katie said...

i know that i want to end up back in illinois, but the thought of leaving my house and friends here makes me really sad. it will be hard to "just leave"!!!!

Janice Chincuanco said...

Molly! I barely got caught up on your blog... so sad that didn't get together before you left. I'm glad you'll be back in Illinois with family and friends :)

Baby Gwenna is precious... take care always... stay in touch :)