Thursday, April 17, 2008

Diggy's Haircut

So skinny looking, but he smells so much better now and he can see!!!

Before picture (his first trip to the beach!)


We have started noticing that Diggy's getting dirtier faster (and smellier) due to his shaggy, messy hair! I love how he looks fluffy so have been putting off taking him to get a hair cut. Well, the last few weeks it has been warmer; Adam and I feel sorry for him when we take him outside because he gets so hot, so I finally got his hair cut. It's way shorter than we planned! Adam barely recognized him when he got home from work, he looks so skinny. He's still an "angey" as I call him in my eyes though and seems to be excited to finally be able to see!

1 comment:

Katie said...

i like his haircut! his face is so cute, you've gotta be able to see it!