Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Lake Tahoe!

Since we had an extra day off this weekend for Labor Day, we planned to go on a roadtrip to Lake Tahoe. Adam's old work friend, Conner, lives in Carson City, Nevada and wanted us to come visit him, so we decided to make a trip to see him and see this lake.

Welcome Sign for Labor Day Weekend

We left before it was light out on Saturday and got there around 3. We went to Conner's house to drop off Diggy (he got to have fun playing with all of Conner's dogs for the weekend!) then to check into our resort. It was really neat-right on the mountains with streams and hot springs. Then Conner showed us around the lake and we went to dinner at his favorite buffet. This night Adam and I were super tired and full, so we just went back to sit in the hottub. I discovered that I forgot to pack a swimsuit of all things, so we ran Target, which was the only shopping we had seen. I had to pick from about 3 swimsuits...I ended up with a turquoise one piece that I probably would never had bought otherwise, but it worked!

Beautiful View driving into Lake Tahoe

Sunday morning we got up and walked around the area, then drove up to the lake to eat lunch. We went to a restaurant right on the water; the sun was shining, the wind was blocked, and it felt great! That afternoon Adam and Conner went to see some old western town, which I didn't have much interest in, so I opted to stay and lay out at the pool!

Us on the Lake

Such pretty water!

Sunday night we went to dinner with Conner at this little place that a lady at the pool told me to go to, then Adam and I went up to the lake to some of the Casinos. After about an hour we'd lost enough money to make us ready to go home, haha.

Finally, Monday, we got up and sat in the hottub one last time, then showered, picked up Diggy, and went home. It was a short weekend for so much driving, but worth it. The lake was beautiful and somewhere we definitely want to go back to!
More pictures:

1 comment:

kkb said...

looks like a fun weekend. tahoe is beautiful and your resort appeared to be neat! i'm glad you went to visit conner... he's so cute :)