Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Poor Grandpa E. :(

My grandpa had a heart attack 2 nights ago. He wasn't feeling well and my Uncle Tim and Grandma took him to the hospital and there they had to use defibrillation to get his heart going again. He took a life flight to Souix City, Iowa and had a surgery where they found a bunch of clogged arteries. My mom and dad drove up there to see him expecting him to look pretty bad, and to their great surprise, he looked great! They said he was feeling good and even was eating when they left.

I am so happy he trusted his instinct and went to the hospital when he felt something was really wrong! Lesson to be learned by all of us who blow stuff off like it's nothing (Dad!).

Send good thoughts/prayers/karma to Gramps! And remember to eat a heart healthy diet to protect your heart :)

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