Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2009 is as great of a year for everbody as 2008 was for me!

I started my New Years celebrating yesterday with Lisa and Colleen (Lisa's best friend who was visiting from Chicago). Our plan for the night was to go to dinner then come back for a little party at Adam and my house afterwards. Us girls went and shopped for some party decorations and late night snacks, then went to get manis and pedis at my nail place in Hillcrest. Afterwards we went back to our house and decorated. It was a fun girly day :)

New Years Eve night we went to dinner at a restaurant in Little Italy called Indigo Grill, which Adam and I really like. They had a prix fix menu thing going so we all met up, picked up Robbie and his friend Kim, then walked down to eat dinner. The food was DELICIOUS and was in huge portions, so we all left being stuffed. Regardless, it was a good time!

Afterwards we went back to our house and just had drinks, socialized, played games (drinking and Robbie's Wii), and even some dance moves were broken out. We partied it up until 2 AM, which is LATE for me, but time flew because we were having fun!

Today Adam and I slept in, took a long walk, ate lunch, and saw Benjamin Button. It was so good and I recommend it to anyone!
Now we're tired, watching Napoleon Dynamite on TV, and getting ready to go to bed soon. I'm super excited that I have 3 days more off but wish Adam was off tomorrow too. Oh well!
Hope everyone had a great New Years Eve and that they stick to their resolutions! I don't really have a specific one, just to try to be as healthy, happy, and responsible as I can be! Hopefully 2009 is a great year for you all!
All NYE Pictures:

1 comment:

kkb said...

looks like fun! you all looked so cute :) we had fun too, but missed you and adam.