Thursday, March 5, 2009

This bed isn't big enough for the three of us...

I love Diggy more than anything, but Adam and I do get annoyed sometimes because he can make sleeping situations very unpleasant. Certain nights, he can be a real nuisance. Examples...many Saturday mornings he will be ready to wake up while we want to keep sleeping. His solution: Come lay on my hair/pillow/head (never Adam's). If I keep sleeping, he takes a paw and pats me until I get up. If I put him in the kitchen and shut him out, he barks. It's always easier just to get up. Other times he won't be tired (cause he is lazy and sleeps ALL day) so he will lick and lick and lick when we're trying to fall asleep. 95% of the time though he is really good and sleeps at the foot of the bed or on the floor or on a pillow, so I like him to get to sleep in our room cause it makes him happy.

Last night, however, was a sign that either he needs to be less spoiled with his sleeping priveleges or that we need a bigger bed. I woke up and noticed that I was in a position like I was in a straight jacket laying on my right arm and I was smashed abnormally close to Adam. Then I sat up and noticed I was in the middle/left side of the bed, Adam's side. I look over to my side and there lies Diggy, on his stomach with his legs out to the sides of him as far as they can go, sound asleep and snoring. He is a little guy, but he definitely was hogging my whole side of the bed! Was I annoyed? Yes, but just as I picked him up and moved him away, his tail starts wagging uncontrollably, he rolled over to his back, tongue sticking out and all, and was so happy to start his day out snuggling in a warm bed with his mommy, hehe. I think we need to start looking for a bigger bed because although my arm hurts from sleeping in such a cramped position, I love waking up to my happy puppy :)

1 comment:

Katie said...

try sharing your bed with a 40 lb, 38" boy..... he's almost 4. now, even a king isn't big enough. trust me, i've woken up plenty of times and my arm is asleep from being crushed into some wierd position! ugh!