Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New Job

No, I didn't quit my job at Share the Care (I could never leave the beautiful, flexible schedule and nice bosses I have), BUT I got an additional job working 1 afternoon per week at a health clinic as a perinatal dietitian. It seems like it is meant to be, it fits perfectly into my schedule here, and the great part is that I will still have Fridays off. I am working at the clinic Thursdays at 1PM and just making my days a tad bit longer M-W. My favorite rotation of my internship was perinatal, so I am really excited. I go in to get trained on March 16 and start on the 19th. Wish me luck!

If you catch me reading books on pregnancy and gestational diabetes, remember I'm NOT's research for work. I need to brush up on my pregnancy knowledge in the next few weeks!


kkb said...

well the reading will be great info for the future :) hopefully not too far away....... hint, hint!

Katie said...

congrats! can't wait to see you in less than a week.... are you getting sick of me yet?????