Thursday, February 11, 2010

Boy or Girl?

I went to my second doctor appointment yesterday for the baby. Everything looked good! I don't have gestational diabetes, my uterus seems to be the right size (weird how they can tell that just by pushing on your stomach), and the NP said the heartbeat was strong (we listened for a good minute, sounded like a wooshing suction noise to me). She didn't do an ultrasound, but I have one scheduled for next month.

There is an old wive's tale that says that if the heartbeat is fast, it's a girl and slow, it's a boy. This held true to all of my sisters' kids, the boys were slow and the girls were fast. After my first appointment, the heartbeat was in the 170's, which is really high. My sisters were sure it was a girl, which made me jump on the bandwagon and start getting excited about bows and girl clothes, shopping and nails, and all things moms and daughters do together. Well now, it was in the 140's which is getting to the lower side, so now I'm thinking it's a boy and excited about these little onesies at Gap that are like big boy polo/military looking shirts and thinking I should try to start getting some more boy friendly hobbies so I don't have a son that has to be dragged places like the nail salon. At least the beach is a good common ground to start with!

Either way, I'll be excited, but I just can't wait to find out. March 5 is the big day, only 4 weeks and 1 day to go :)

1 comment:

Katie said...

i'm so excited to hear next month!!! they do say that it always starts off fast (whether it's a boy or girl) and slows down...... so, now it's a boy!!! heehee~ don't you just love my confidence in the heartbeat wivestale?