Saturday, August 21, 2010

Gwenna Blue Ralph, August 18, 2010

Well, the happiest day of my life came on August 18th, only 4 days late! Tuesday night I was winding down getting ready to go to bed when all of the sudden my water broke out of nowhere. I had no contractions or signs of labor before that! We spent a few hours showering, cleaning up, etc. then headed to the hospital around midnight. I finally started feeling mild contractions once we got to the hospital and by 4am the contractions were really hard and strong! Around 6am I had an epidural, I got some rest, then at 9am the nurse told me I was 8 cm dilated and would start pushing within the next few hours. I began pushing at 11:30am and Gwen was born at 12:21pm! It was the best moment of my life and such an indescribable feeling.

We came home on Thursday afternoon and had a great day/night. We had to take her to the doctor on Friday and found out that she had lost quite a bit of weight and had high bilirubin levels. My milk still hasn't came in, so now we have to supplement her with formula via a medical suringe while I nurse her so she gets some nutrition and we have to sit her by the window to help avoid jaundice. I was really concerned about all of this and super emotional at the doctor, but once I have talked to a lot of other moms, I hear this is all normal. Pray my milk comes in soon so I don't have to have a feeding assistant every time she wants to eat :)

Katie, Lexie, and Ellie got here Friday right after the doctor visit, and they all have been super helpful. Adam is doing such a good job too. I don't know what I would be doing without them! My mom is getting here tonight and staying for 11 days to help. I love having family around and sharing my beautiful angel with them. It is so fun to see how other people love your baby so much too!

Being a mom is the best thing in the world! I am so happy and in love!


Janice Chincuanco said...

Congratulations Molly and Adam!!! I can't wait to meet her!! She's beautiful... love her name :)

Take care and hope to see you soon,

Janice Chincuanco said...

Molly, my cousin used Fenugreek from Henry's.. it's a pill that helped her milk production. Ask your doctor if it's okay to take.

Katie said...

I can't believe she's a week old already!