Friday, May 2, 2008

"Mama" and "Angey" Slumber Party

Kisses for my baby!!!!!
Diggy, annoyed that I interupted his Max and Ruby Show

Unfortunately, tomorrow is a Saturday and I have to actually should be fun though, I am doing a cooking demo with early child care providers and am teaching them fun, interactive recipes to do with the kids they take care of...anyways, my friend Carissa has organized this event, so I am going to meet her at our work building at 6AM tomorrow, SATURDAY!
Because of my early wake up call, I decided not to do anything tonight...Adam went out with his friends for a "guys night out" and is not expected home tonight due to their lack of the ability to admit to the next guy that they might not want that 5th, then 10th, then ?????th drink...therefore Diggy and I had a mommy/son night in!
Since I do not have a baby, nor am ready yet, I like to do activities with him that moms I know do with their kids, so the first on our list was BAKING! It is strawberry season here and I have TONS in the fridge, so I decided to make strawberry bran muffins for my work friends in the morning...Diggy is not like Ellie in the sense that she wants to dump everything in and stir, but he sure is good at cleaning up the dropped strawberry pieces/sugar spills and eating the burnt crusts out of the bottom of the pan! Needless to say, I think he enjoyed his first baking session!
Our next activity was dinner...I usually try not to give him people food so he doesn't get annoying and beg or get sick, but what slumber party is complete without yummy food??? So I made myself dinner and he looked so damn cute that I thought "What harm could VEGGIE sausage do to my angey?" So I made my little pal a piece and I think he enjoyed slumber party dinner more than baking because he ate it in about 1 second flat! He enjoyed his mommy/son dinner :)
Our last few events show how spoiled he has come. First, I talked on the phone to my sister Katie, and after verbalizing my desire to take him on our trip to visit her in Arizona, I rationalized (to myself) why it is worth getting a room just so Angey can come to meet his "Aunt Katie", "Uncle Matt", and "Cousin Lexie" instead of staying here in San Diego for the day, so I booked a room just for him :)...Then, I went to watch TV, and I had planned on watching old Sex and the City reruns to get me back into the mode before May 30 (for those of you who are disconnected from the world, that is the MOVIE PREMIERE!!!!!!!!) Unfortunately though, as weird as it seems, I turned an episode on and felt bad/weird/inappropriate watching that with Diggy!!!!!! He's like my son...I hate sitting in silence though, so I turned on what my sister Kristie's kids always watch, Noggin (little kid Nickelodeon shows, haha) for the past almost hour "Max and Ruby" and now "Wow! Wubbzy" have been on our TV and Diggers is sitting on the couch with me, EYES GLUED!!! Just how Sylvie used to be. It's so funny, it's like these Noggin people know how to put little ones in a spell!
Anyways, it now is time for me to go to bed, and I could put Diggy in his cage to sleep like he is supposed to...but in true slumber party fashion, everyone sleeps together! So I guess we will see how much of a pushover "Mommy" is feeling like tonight. If "Baby" gives me that beautiful look, I might just have to let him camp out in Adam's spot in our bed!!!!!!!! But, shhhh, keep it on the DL! What happens at Mama/Angey Slumber Parties stays between us :)


kkb said...

you are so funny! sounds like you had a fun slumber party... diggy would fit in perfectly with his cousins. don't fell bad about the hotel room... we used to do it for tobey all of the time!!

Katie said...

sounds fun! diggy is lucky to have a mom like you!

Jessica Robertson said...

I'm so jealous of you and your angey time...the most time I spend with anyone these days is my rental car and laptop!! I for sure stole your idea for the blog...such an easier way to keep touch with everyone!!