Friday, May 2, 2008

A favor for my mom...

I think anyone who knows me or is close to me knows that my mom has lots of health problems, and we've had lots of scares over the years. She is a type I diabetic; this means her pancreas does not make insulin at all and her body requires insulin shots to control her blood sugar levels (it's a genetic problem and the cause is still unknown). Type II diabetes, on the other hand, means your body does not use the insulin it produces, usually because you are carrying extra weight, and can usually be controlled by diet and exercise but sometimes requires the use of pills to help use insulin correctly. Just a little background because people are always asking me what type of diabetes is which and which type she has.

Well, recently my mom's eyesight pretty much disappeared, to the point where my dad and sisters have had to do daily routine stuff for her like push buttons on a microwave (sorry to you guys that I'm not there to help too!). One of the side effects of diabetes can be vision loss, and back in the day a lot of people went blind from the same thing that is happening to my mom's eyes. Well, yesterday she had a surgery to try to fix this, and from what the doctors say, she has reason to be hopeful, thanks to all of the technology we have nowadays! They think the surgery went well, but it will take 2 weeks for them to know if her vision comes all of the way back (she has a patch over one eye now). Of course, when I talked to my mom yesterday, she was acting like things are great and that nothing was even wrong. I feel so bad that she has to deal with something new every month it seems, but she does a great job of keeping a positive attitude and trying to not drag other people's spirits down.

So, my request is this: whether or not you're spiritual, superstitious, or religious, please say a prayer, cross your fingers, send positive karma, or do whatever you do to send well wishes towards my mom! She needs all of the help she can get, and selfishly, I want her to still be able to see when I have cute little kids someday :)

1 comment:

kkb said...

you know i'm saying my prayers!!! i took mom for her follow up today and everything looked really good... the doctor thinks she'll be seeing normally within a week... let's hope he's right!!