Wednesday, October 1, 2008

2 (or was it 1, Adam) years ago today...

TWO years ago today, Adam and I got engaged...

This morning Adam got up super early to "go to work" and Diggy must have heard him, so he started barking. I couldn't sleep through it, so I decided to get up earlier than usual and get ready for work. Well, Adam actually had gone off to plan an engagement anniversary celebration and his plan was for me to still be sleeping and him to wake me up with a surprise...Anyways, I was already awake when he snuck in very quietly so I didn't hear him and he started walking towards the bedroom when I saw somebody out of the corner of my eyes in our house and my heart skipped about 100 beats I was so scared, I jumped and Adam felt bad for scaring me! So we laughed about how he tried so hard but just like the day he proposed, it just didn't work out for him...I told him it's the thought that counts

He made "mimosas" and had planned on using sparkling grape juice but nothing was open but a gas station that early so he had to get Perrier. Not as good as a real mimosa, but it was the thought that counts again :) Next, he put this ring he made out of paper in the same box my ring came in. He told me to unroll the paper ring cause there was a love note in it, haha. So I unrolled it and started reading and it was a really nice little note all about "one year ago today" blah blah blah. I started laughing and said "that's really nice but we actually have been engaged for TWO years." Haha. For the third time, it was the thought that counted. Poor Adam. He's always trying to do such nice things but he's always a pinch away from them going how he planned.

Anyways, we ended our morning off by going to get Starbucks for work, and that part went pretty smoothly. Thanks for all of the effort Adam! It was a great morning even though you made some flavorless mimosas, scared me to death, and forgot about one measly year:) I don't know one husband who would go through so much trouble but you, so that trumps all of the mishaps!


Katie said...

After visiting you guys, Matt and I were both commenting on what a great guy Adam is. You're a lucky girl. (He's lucky too ;-)

kkb said...

he gets an a for effort but maybe a c for his actual grade :) cute!!! atleast his mishaps will keep you laughing... it's important!