Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mommy Poo Parker

Well, I guess I can announce the news without getting in trouble since people have been telling me "they heard" that my BFF Kristen is PREGGO! Oh my gosh, I know people my age that have kids, but the fact that it's Krishy makes me feel officially like an adult (you would think getting married, a job, etc. would have, haha). Anyhow, I'm super excited for her and Kirk and know they will be great parents.

I have a zillion memories from when I was little with Kristen, we were some STRANGE kids but always had tons of fun and were with eachother and our families all the time. Naturally some nicknames started flying around. Her mom Sherri we call Sherrs. Sherri calls me "Molly B". My family calls Kristen "Krishy P". Kristen calls my mom "Lynnie". We call eachother Arnie, Gilbert, Gibler and Tannerino sometimes (like I said, STRANGE). The best nickname of all, however, is "Sissy Poo Parker", which her brothers used when they were little and Sherri carried into adulthood. Now, however, "Sissy" is going to be a mommy, which makes her "Mommy Poo Parker" :)

To keep the tradition going, if she has a girl I'm going to call her Sissy Sue Shick. If it's a boy...well, I'll think of something!

1 comment:

Katie said...

i can't believe krishy p. is really gonna be a momma~ how fun? now molly, i think my kids need some new cuzzies...... you and krishy should be preggo together :-)