Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I haven't written anything lately because we haven't really done anything that great. The last two weekends revolved around our new home. Last weekend we organized and got new furniture (all is in except we're waiting for a chair for the living room). We did make some time to people watch at Comic-Con, which was hilarious. All week Adam built shelves and made more storage while I found places for all of our unpacked stuff to go. By this weekend, everything had a spot and it looks much better!

Our problem was that Adam's truck was FULL of stuff from our old house that we aren't using, so Saturday we went to Crown Point to Joe and Leigh's house and had a little yard sale there. It ended up being pretty fun. We set stuff up, sold a good amount of our things, Joe grilled some lunch, and Adam made a sign on an old surfboard that said "Yard Sale" and seriously jumped and danced around trying to do tricks all day trying to direct people to come (yes, he had had a few drinks). Sunday we went up the coast to the Cedros Design District to look for decorative items. Cedros is a street with a bunch of home decor, furniture, and antique shops. We didn't find as much as I hoped (I got a few little things), but it was fun to look around and we ate lunch at a cute little street cafe.

Slowly but surely we're getting more and more settled and making our place look more and more like a home! It's not completely ready, but we have our first set of visitors this weekend. The Roleys are coming from Tucson (Lex is even bringing a friend) so it'll be one big slumber party! Can't wait!


Katie said...

woohoo! can't wait to come this weekend. i hope the weather is nice, b/c it's been HOT here! i'm super excited to see your new condo! we'll bring lots of sleeping bags and pillows :-)

kkb said...

Post pics... I can't wait to see the furniture!!!